Learning Feet is set to become the largest consolidator, curator and service provider for Day Picnics and ED-Tourism in the world for schools, founded with the vision 'Picnics Only Through Learning Feet'.

A single window, one stop solution for all Educational Experiences needs of schools by way of day picnics, edutainment, industrial visits, educational tours and what not.

Learning Feet is on a mission to formalise the Education Tourism & Day Picnics sector in the world along with making India as the hub & 'the destination' for education tourism for school students across the world.

This also supports the govt' s vision 2030 with an emphasis on promoting India as a global study destination.

Genesis Of Learning Feet

Our founders love travelling both for work and for leisure. They have travelled to several cities in India and multiple countries across the world. In the process, got a lot of exposure by interacting with hundreds of schools, thousands of parents, teachers and multiple providers/organisations imparting education around the world.

They also had the interest and passion in event management having organised over 100 educational events and conferences in the last decade. The best thing they realised about event management is that you need to make sure that every event is a success and that everyone leaves from the event happy and therefore the adrenaline rush!

Having spent over 15 years in the education industry doing all of this, they understood the need, the pain points and the gaps first hand and at the same time wanted to do something which is fun, involves travel, where every business transaction is like an event and most importantly something that they are passionate about !

So one fine day on a flight back to India while returning from Vietnam when most people were sleeping, the founders realised the need of formalising education-tourism sector. This was also basis the experience they had while travelling and exploring Vietnam and interacting with schools. Upon their return the research they did, the interactions they had with schools in India as well, only added more strength to their belief.

Every child is curious, every child likes to have fun, every child likes to be involved and learning happens best when it is experienced.

We at Learning Feet are here to make every school tour a special one where every child goes back with memories, having learnt something and most importantly with a SMILE !

For queries and feedback write to us at smile@learningfeet.com

Be a Part of Our Story and Make it Yours too

Partner With Us

  • Picnic Venues: Theme Parks, Local Activity Providers

    Want us to promote and take bookings of school tours for your venue ? Fill our Expression of Interest Form and our team will get back to you to complete association formalities.

    Partner With Us
  • School Host Partners:

    Schools across the world can become a part of our student and teacher exchange programmes or even one sided hosting. If you want international students to visit your school for exchange of knowledge, culture and experiential learning, let us know and we will make it happen. Becoming a school host is completely flexible and the definition of hosting can be decided by you as a school. We have options of both physical and virtual exchange programmes with certification from Learning Feet.

    Be A Host School
  • Channel Partners

    Learning Feet invites sales representatives, independent consultants, training organisations, individual trainers basically anyone who works with schools directly or indirectly to collaborate and work with us as 'Authorised Channel Partner' across the world.

    Partner With Us
  • Travel Partner: Hotels, Transport providers, travel agents, tour guides

    Associate with us to provide us with the best offers for school trips and let students benefit from your expertise and resources.

    Partner With Us
  • Corporate Partner: For Industrial Visits, manufacturing companies, tech innovation companies etc

    Students love industrial visits as they get to experience the action live and first hand. Industrial visits also help students in deciding their careers as they realise their inclination and interests. On the other hand it's also a cool way of promoting your brand and your company.

    Partner With Us