According to data collected by Statista, there were over three billion internet users watching streaming or downloaded video at least once per month in 2022. This number is projected to increase annually, ultimately reaching nearly 3.5 billion by 2023 and we surely want to be a part of it too.

There are between 3.2 million and 37.8 million influencers in the world and we want to give your students/children to get an opportunity to become a Social Media Influencer. Learning Feet will provide all the guidance, script, do's and don't's, support in editing and posting and most importantly boosting their travel Vlogs through the Learning Feet's Youtube channel and social media handles.

Once the travel vlogs start trending it will also open opportunities for students to become social media influencer and collaborate with us on a larger scale. Most viewed vlogs will be featured in our electronic newsletter which will be circulated to schools and students.

Any revenues coming in from social media will be split between Learning Feet and the respective Young Vlogger and can be received in the form of a scholarship. If we earn, you also earn!

The most successful creator also gets a chance to collaborate with Learning Feet for their exclusive merchandise and internship opportunities.

Travel on a School Trip with Learning Feet

Record a Travel Vlog (as per guidelines given by us)

Send the Video to Learning Feet

We Edit, Post and Promote Your Vlog

Share Your Vlog from Our Channel

Watch Your Viewership & Followership Grow

Become a Rockstar Influencer

How does it help the

Digital Presence


Cyber Safety & Security

Technological Skills

Self Esteem & Confidence


People Skills


Cognitive Flexibility

Art & Culture

Environmental Awareness


Information Visualisation


Identifying Opportunities

All of these skills add to the holistic development of a child making them future ready. Children today in any case are very active on social media so why not use it for skill development ?